Specify your socioeconomics
Specify your property
Specify your environment
Specify your categories
Specify your brands
people and lifestyle
People and Lifestyle, Property, Environment, Categories and Brands explained
Click the items below to see how they will appear in your report for the areas you defined around your location:
There are more than 20 types of people and lifestyle items to choose from for an area e.g. Age Breakdown, Level of Education, Family Size etc. The area statistics for people and lifestyle items are displayed as either a bar chart, a horizontal bar chart or a pie chart.
There are four types of property items that can be selected for an area and each are reported on with some combination of charts, maps and tables.
- brands
Environmental items that can be selected for an area and one or more heatmaps , as deemed appropriate, will be provided.
Your Basket Explained
The report is charged on the basis of the number of items chosen for each area defined which gives the total
number of items.
The first three items chosen cost €4.99 each.
The second three items chosen cost €3.99 each.
All further items cost €2.99 each.
So, 3 items for 1 area would cost €14.97. And 3 items for 2 areas which is 6 items in total would cost
€26.94 as the second three items cost less per item, any more items added would only cost €2.99 each.
Your Basket
The report is charged on the basis of the total number of items which is equal to the number of items times the areas defined
You have defined: .
And you have the following items selected:
Basket Total .